Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Ellie hair cut :(

We took Ellie to get her haircut today. She wanted to get it cut to her shoulders but I couldn't bring myself to have it done that short. I love her long hair.
 Good bye beautiful golden locks. :(
 She had about 6inches cut off.
 The aftermath
 It's really pretty and it's still pretty long. It's super healthy too. I love my beautiful girl.
I'll be honest...I cried a little. haha!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Trevor's 6th Birthday

Happy 6th Birthday to my sweet Little man!

He got some awesome books from Aunt Chelsy and Uncle Rand. Trev LOVES reading so much.

Brian, Ellie and I gave him Wii Party. He was so excited to get back to Utah to play with it on our Wii.

We also got him Hot Wheels Wall Tracks. He was super excited to play with that too. Unfortunately, he had to wait to get back to Utah to play with that too.

Grandma and grandpa gave Trev "Wipeout" for his DS. They miss having him around all the time. They loved watching the show "Wipeout" with him. He would jump around like a crazy kid. Plus, he would memorize all their nicknames. He is hilarious!

We had to go to Red Robin. He LOVES their mac-n-cheese. Of course, he got his free dessert too, but he hardly touched it.

I love my silly kiddos!


Best buds.

I could squeeze him to death!

Ellie, Trevor and Hyrum.

Grandma and grandpa with most of the grand kids.

Trevor is 6!

We got the ugliest cake on the planet from Walmart. I guess that's what I get for doing everything for his birthday last minute, right?

He had to wait to open uncle Kevin's present until he got home from work. He got A Sonic Wii game. He was so spoiled.

As ugly as the cake was... it tasted YUMMY!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Christmas time is always so fun! This was our year to be in Cali for Christmas so we spent some time with Utah cousins before we left. We did a small gift exchange. The kids had a blast. They love each other so much!

Ellie received nail polish and we gave Lila a Lalaloopsy coloring book. They were both in heaven!

We gave Logan some awesome wristbands for basketball. Somehow I didnt get a good picture of him wearing them. Sorry Bud!

Trevor received some Mario Kart jammies which thrilled him. He asks to wear them every night.

Ellies loving her polish. She has each of her fingers painted a different color.

We gave Noelle a journal and a pad of paper and pen. I think she liked it.

Here's Trev and Ellie in the car on our way to California. They were very happy to be entertained by music, DS, and movies.

I figured Brian and I needed a pic too.

We have a traditon in my family to open jammies on Christmas Eve. We all have to look good in pictures on Christmas morning. LOL

Cute Little Emma (another cousin) wont leave Ellies side. Almost every pic I have of Ellie has sweet little Emma in it. So Funny!
Unfortunatley, we ran out of time on Christmas eve to make our normal cookies so we decided that Santa would like a cinnamon roll instead. I think Santa was pleased. We also didn't have any normal carrots for the reindeer. I dont think they minded either. Ellie had to write a note to let Santa know about the carrots and the milk in the fridge. These are my most favorite parts of Christmas.
Ellie woke up first and was so excited. I made her lay on the bed with me for a bit and then we decided it was time to wake up the boys. We tried Trevor first. He was so tired though. He laid in his bed and said "Just bring me my present". I laughed so hard I almost cried. I couldnt believe any could would say that on such a BIG DAY! He eventually got up and was all about helping daddy get up. Brian wasn't too pleased. Oh well...IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!
We finally got daddy up but as you can tell Trev was still really tired but Ellie was ready to go. We finally make it out to the tree and the kids were ecstatic! I didnt get any great pics of what the received. From Santa they both got a scooter. Ellie also got a Lalaloopsy doll and Trevor got Squinkies. I think Santa succeeded.
My pics are all out of order now. Its all good. They still make sense...I think.
Emma got some blocks but still just wanted to be with Ellie.

Trev got his awesome Jimmer jerdey from uncle Kevin.